Life in Saturn's Moon - Enceladus ?

Latest NEWS in search of Life outside Earth-Possibility of Living Organisms in Enceladus,one among the 60 Moons of Saturn. The hope for life in Saturn's Moon arises from the pictures taken by the NASA's Cassini spacecraft.This finding took place during its mission circling around the Sturn's ring and taking high resolution pictures.

Scientists from NASA said that those pictures from Cassini has images of Geysers in Enceladus's South pole.These Geysers are believed to be sources of water beneath the saturn's moon.These Geysers are continuously shooting up into the space.Scientists believe that these Geysers are sources of heated liquid water below the frozen surfaces of the Saturn's Moon Enceladus.Also they added that the existence of lot of energy,organic substances and water makes it another very interesting destination for research in the Solar system.The research over Enceladus was started years ago but the images and recent snapshots from Cassini -NASA's Spacecraft has doubled the enthusiasm of the scientists.Who knows,we may have some wonderful Spacecraft travels to Enceladus in the future! ;) ;).

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