India Captain Dhoni Threatens to Resign

Indian cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni has reportedly offered to resign from the high-profile post following paceman Rudra Pratap Singh’s exclusion from the ODI team but the BCCI vehemently denied the development.

According to television reports, Dhoni had a disagreement with the selectors during the meeting on Thursday to pick the team for the fourth and fifth matches of the ongoing series against England.

Dhoni was unhappy that the selectors decided to drop RP Singh and include Irfan Pathan in his place and offered to resign, the television reports claimed, quoting an unnamed source close to one of the selectors.

The BBCI, however, was quick to rubbish the reports. “I can’t respond to something that is being floated around by somebody,” BCCI secretary N Srinivisan said.

The Indian players are currently in Bangalore to play the fourth match and the team management could not be immediately reached for their comments. Dhoni’s customary pre-match press conference is scheduled to be held later in the afternoon.

The reports said BCCI President Shashank Manohar was forced to interfere and sort out the issue.

The newly formed selection committee, headed by former Indian captain Krishnamachari Srikkanth had met on Thursday for the team selection when the differences apparently cropped up.

Last year, Rahul Dravid too had relinquished captaincy. Lack of say in selection matters was widely touted as the reason behind Dravid’s abrupt decision.


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8 things Not to do in a GD

A Group Discussion is nothing but a formal discussion involving 5 to 10 participants in a group. These days GD is being used by B-schools and organizations to judge whether the candidate has certain personality traits and skills that it desires in its members. Normally in GD, the group of candidates is given a topic or a situation, given a few minutes to think about the same, and then asked to discuss the it among themselves for 20-30 minutes. Let’s take an example of a Cricket match, where you have to play like a team, and aim for a common goal which is Victory, similarly GD is also like a team work, incorporating views of different team members to reach a common goal. So, here is a list of 8 activities which you should not do in any GD.

1. Don’t start of with I think: Yeah, it is true. Once in a GD, there was this topic that should Aishwarya marry Abhishek & this gentleman adjusted his chair & pronounced his arrival by saying that “I think Aishwarya is damn more beautiful for a moron like Abhishek”. Just imagine, the GD organizer is big fan of Abhishek. So, please don’t start with your perceptions. But never be quiet in GD. Just speak out you mind. If you are not speaking how will they judge you.

2. Don’t start with the conclusion: This is the common mistake, people generally conclude everything in their first speech itself. This is really a bad practice during GDs.

3. Don’t keep glancing in the paper: The paper is there to make you feel more jittery. The content which is stored in your mind can’t be explicitly placed on the paper. Don’t stare at the paper much. Look into the eyes of your opponent or better dream of some exotic place & then let the horses run.

4. Don’t put that pen/pencil in your mouth: Not only it gives a negative impression, but also bad for your health. :-)

5. Don’t be a clown: One of my friends is expert in this. His dad is a sweet shop owner. He also sometimes sits at the shop & keeps on flying away the flies. So, once we were sitting in a GD discussing about the nuclear deal. Suddenly due to some provocation this guy thought that he was sitting in his shop & started swaying his arms like a jumbo jet

6. Friends are Foes: I must admit that I am a looser in GD’s. Once during a GD I asked my mate who was a great speaker that in the GD you please point towards me & ask me to speak. He agreed. I was happy. Topic was too general. It became a fish market. My friend somehow controlled the situation & pointing towards me & said: “Abhi, would u like to add something”. As I was about to open my mouth, a guy sitting next to me started his Marathon run. After the GD i asked him his name. He said: “Hi! I am Varun”. Avoid such things while GD.

7. Don’t Speak: Yes! Silence is Golden. I realized this during one of college GD’s. People were discussing in a decent manner. Everyone was speaking & getting properly listened. Suddenly, out of the blue we heard a shrieking voice which pierced our ears. The words were: “Guys! Please maintain the decorum of the GD”.

8. Don’t be anxious: There are people who tend to push up from their chair. It looks like they have got ants in their pants. Guys! its really absurd & definitely makes you loose marks.

Indian billionaires shrink by half

So the economic meltdown is showing its impact in India also. As according to latest Forbes report, 27 Indians have been moved out of India’s billionaires club. Now we have only 27 billionaires as compared to 54 billionaires in 2007. In 2006, India had 36 billionaires. The honeymoon is over for Indian economy. Indian economy has really bad time. Stock market has fallen by 48 per cent in the 12 months, Indian rupee is depreciated by 24 % against the dollar and GDP(gross domestic product growth) is expected to decrease to 7.5 %. The combined wealth of India’s 40 wealthiest people slumped 60 % to $139 billion which was $351 billion a year ago.

Lakshmi Mittal of Mittal Steel has lost his top position to Mukesh Ambani of Reliance Industries Ltd. Anil Ambani is the third richest Indian. So the top ten richest Indians are

1. Mukesh Ambani; $20.8 billion
2. Lakshmi Mittal; $20.5 billion
3. Anil Ambani; $12.5 billion
4. Sunil Mittal; $7.9 billion
5. Kushal Pal Singh; $7.8 billion
6. Shashi & Ravi Ruia; $7.6 billion
7. Azim Premji; $7 billion
8. Kumar Birla; $5 billion
9. Adi Godrej; $4 billion
10. Gautam Adani; $3.9 billion

Circuit City :: One more bankrupt US company

One more US giant has been forced to follow the path of Lehman Brothers. This company is Circuit City. It is an American dealer and retailer in brand-name consumer electronics, personal computers, and entertainment software. It is a Fortune 500 company which operates over 600 superstores in different parts of USA. On November 3, 2008 it was revealed that Circuit City would close 155 stores and lay off 17% of its workforce by the end of the year as a result of continually struggling to remain profitable. After 4 days, on November 7th this company laid off more than 500 corporate employees from their Richmond, Virginia headquarters. Now the company’s shares have collapsed to historical low of 25 cents.

But all these measures could not make it profitable. Finally today Circuit City has filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy. Actually in USA, bankruptcy protection is a popular legal mechanism which allows a troubled company to keep its creditors at bay while it draws up a new business plan, which has to be approved by a bankruptcy judge. This method gives the bankrupt company some time to sort out their problems, cut costs and prevent it becoming completely decimal. Moreover, according to latest Washington’s Labor Department’s official report around 6.5 per cent of the US workforce is now jobless. The situation of American economy is very critical. Now how new president Obama will handle all these troubles will be a matter of concern for the whole world.

What happened to Orkut?

Once upon a time Orkut was number one social networking website on the internet. Now things have changed for orkut, its honeymoon is over. The latest alexa rank of is 66. Orkut was designed to help users meet new friends and maintain existing relationships on internet. Early this year, this was the most visited website in Brazil and second most visited website in India. Now it is at 4th rank in India. A large percentage of users in India are high school and college students. Now this site is unable to attract new breed of students i.e the age group of 18-24.

The main reason behind the recent downfall is evolution of Facebook. Today, Facebook is even ahead of In India, the new generation is more declined towards Facebook whereas our generation who were early users of Orkut, have stopped using Orkut. You will be shocked to see the downfall of Orkut. Even, Google is completely clueless on this point. Check out the latest Alexa graph of Orkut.

Ultimate Optical Illusions

Do you know what is an optical illusion? Today I will tell you about optical illusion and share a cool video on this also. Actually, optical illusion refers to visually perceived images that differ from objective reality. The information gathered by the eye is processed and the brain to give a percept that does not tally with a physical measurement of the stimulus source. Optical illusions are divided into three categories. First one is literal optical illusions which create images that are different from the objects that make them, secondly we have physiological illusions that are the effects on the eyes and brain of excessive stimulation of a specific type - brightness, tilt, color, movement, and the third is cognitive illusion where the eye and brain make unconscious inferences. Now watch out this cool video on optical illusions.

Video chat introduced in Gmail

This week, Google has introduced Gmail voice and video chat. Through which you can now enjoy free voice and video conversations in Gmail. The new Video chatting feature is as easy as sending an instant message or an e-mail. Just you need to click on the new “Video & more” menu in a Gmail chat window and select “Start video chat” or “Start voice chat.” Here you can also easily switch to a full screen view or pop out of the chat window and change the size and positioning of the chat window. In case you don’t have web cam, then don’t worry. You can still enjoy voice conversations alongside your email and regular chat.
To know more about voice and video chat watch out this video

Click here to install Gmail Voice and video chat.

Watch out Obama’s First Weekly YouTube Address

So the first African American US President Obama is all set to challenge the recent economic slowdown. He is also confident that very soon the Amercian economy will recover and job opportunities in US will increase. Actually for the first time, the weekly Democratic address of the new president has been released on YouTube. It will also continue to air on the radio and other TV channels. Obama plans to to publish these weekly updates through the Transition and then from the White House. In his first address, Obama speaks on his concerns about the current economic crisis in USA.

Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today”

His speech is as follows:

Today, the leaders of the G-20 countries a group that includes the world’s largest economies are gathering in Washington to seek solutions to the ongoing turmoil in our financial markets. I’m glad President Bush has initiated this process — because our global economic crisis requires a coordinated global response.

And yet, as we act in concert with other nations, we must also act immediately here at home to address America’s own economic crisis. This week, amid continued volatility in our markets, we learned that unemployment insurance claims rose to their highest levels since September 11, 2001. We’ve lost jobs for ten straight months — nearly 1.2 million jobs this year, many of them in our struggling auto industry. And millions of our fellow citizens lie awake each night wondering how they’re going to pay their bills, stay in their homes, and save for retirement.

Make no mistake: this is the greatest economic challenge of our time. And while the road ahead will be long, and the work will be hard, I know that we can steer ourselves out of this crisis because here in America we always rise to the moment, no matter how hard. And I am more hopeful than ever before that America will rise once again.

But we must act right now. Next week, Congress will meet to address the spreading impact of the economic crisis. I urge them to pass at least a down-payment on a rescue plan that will create jobs, relieve the squeeze on families, and help get the economy growing again. In particular, we cannot afford to delay providing help for the more than one million Americans who will have exhausted their unemployment insurance by the end of this year. If Congress does not pass an immediate plan that gives the economy the boost it needs, I will make it my first order of business as President.

Even as we dig ourselves out of this recession, we must also recognize that out of this economic crisis comes an opportunity to create new jobs, strengthen our middle class, and keep our economy competitive in the 21st century.

That starts with the kinds of long-term investments that we’ve neglected for too long. That means putting two million Americans to work rebuilding our crumbling roads, bridges, and schools. It means investing $150 billion to build an American green energy economy that will create five million new jobs, while freeing our nation from the tyranny of foreign oil, and saving our planet for our children. It means making health care affordable for anyone who has it, accessible for anyone who wants it, and reducing costs for small businesses. And it also means giving every child the world-class education they need to compete with any worker, anywhere in the world.

Doing all this will require not just new policies, but a new spirit of service and sacrifice, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but each other. If this financial crisis has taught us anything, it’s that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers in this country, we rise or fall as one nation; as one people. And that is how we will meet the challenges of our time together.
Thank you.

Watch out the video of this speech.

Champions league T20 fixtures

A fight for $6 Million, Top Twenty 20 Champions teams from 5 Countries. Starting from 3rd Dec 2008, Twenty20 Champions League schedule has been announced and listed below:

Dec 3rd - Middlesex Crusaders vs Victoria Bushrangers in Mumbai
Dec 4th - Sialkot Stallions vs Western Rambal Warriors in Banglore
Dec 4th - Chennai Super Kings vs Victoria Bushrangers in Mumbai
Dec 5th - Middlesex Crusaders vs Pretoria Titans in Chennai
Dec 5th - Rajasthan Royals vs Sialkot Stallions in Mumbai
Dec 6th - Western Australia vs Natal Dolphins in Banglore
Dec 6th - Victoria Bushrangers vs Pretoria Titans in Chennai
Dec 6th - Chennai Super Kings vs Middlesex Crusaders in Chennai
Dec 7th - Natal Dolphins vs Sialkot Stallions in Bangalore
Dec 7th - Rajasthan Royals vs Western Rambal Warriors in Bangalore
Dec 7th - Chennai Super Kings vs Pretoria Titans in Chennai

Dec 8th - Semifinal 1 (Group B Top team vs Group A Second placed team)
Dec 9th - Semifinal 2 (Group A Top team vs Group B Second placed team)

Dec 10th - Final (Winner of Semifinal 1 vs Winner of Semifinal 2)

Enjoy T20 Champions League!!!

Would you live in an 'exorcised' house?

We’ve all seen “The Exorcist”, the infamous film based on William Peter Blatty’s equally infamous book. We also know that Blatty based his story on something that really happened, the exorcism of a boy in 1949 that took place at no less than four different places during the months-long exorcism. For years it was thought that a house in Mt. Rainier, Maryland was where it all started. Problem is, it wasn’t the place. For years the Mt. Rainier house sat vacant, presumably in part because of its “history”, where it was frequently broke into by teenagers who were undoubtedly scared out of their wits and the place became the brunt of god knows how many ghost stories. Ultimately, the local fire department burned the home in an exercise and that should have been the end of the story. It wasn’t. In 1998 writer Mark Opsasnick determined in an article for Strange Magazine that this home wasn’t just the wrong house, it was in the wrong city. The actual case began in a home located in Cottage City, Maryland. I am uncertain as to whether or not this house is still standing, but the other places associated with the exorcism are not. After moving the boy from Maryland to St. Louis, three places have gained notoriety for their involvement with the story. Two of them are gone. A rectory on the campus of St. Louis University that is no longer standing, and a demolished wing of the Alexian Brothers Hospital. Of particular interest is the room at the hospital. This was demolished in the 1990’s, and at the time, stories around St. Louis ranged from demolition workers opening the locked room and seeing a black figure escape, to inverted crosses being found painted on the walls of the room in dried blood even though supposedly no one had entered the room since 1949.

The validity of any of these stories, like anything else, are seriously questionable. But the last place associated with the exorcism still stands. Its a non-descript house in the North St. Louis County suburb of Bel-nor. Stories abound about this home, everything from the victim’s bedroom always being strangely cold, to talk of an otherworldly vortex that can be felt by sensitives on the upper floor of the home. This Halloween, a local radio program known for an annual show broadcast from a haunted location spent the evening there seemingly to much paranormal success.

Anil Kumble announces retirement

India captain Anil Kumble has announced that he plans to retire from Test cricket after the third Test against Australia.

In 132 Tests, Kumble took 619 wickets, the highest among Indians and third in the all-time list.

The champion leg spinner has decided to call it quits on a ground where he has tormented the best of batsmen and teamsn over the years. Kumble's illustrious career spanned nearly two decades.

It was at the Feroz Shah Kotl, where Kumble bagged all 10 Pakistani wickets in the February of 1999 and spun India to a magical win.

Over the last few months, Kumble has not had the best of time on the field and has come under criticism for his form and fitness. Kumble injured his fingers in the first innings of the Kotla Test when he tried to take cach to send back Matthew Hayden.

The gritty spinner came back to bowl with 11 stitches on his fingers.

Gayle leads Superstars to millions

England were demolished as the Stanford Superstars became dollar millionaires in the high profile Twenty20-for-20 contest.

Chris Gayle's Caribbean collective cruised home by 10 wickets in typically flamboyant style after England were dismissed for a paltry 99 at Coolidge.

It will not go down in the official records but this clash for cash was one of the most humiliating defeats for an England team in history.

Although England captain Kevin Pietersen opted to bat first in Sir Allen Stanford's financial bonanza, only three men reached double figures during a regular tumbling of wickets.

They managed only seven fours between them, a proportion of which were via edges - a total the opposition openers managed inside the first five overs of the reply.

Upon levelling that boundary count, home captain Chris Gayle then upped the tempo to pump up the volume levels in the stands, by turning his attention to sixes, cracking Steve Harmison over the rope at long-on and deep midwicket.

Gayle towered a third off spinner Samit Patel to overshadow his younger partner Andre Fletcher, who nevertheless laced the boundary boards himself to follow up an unbeaten 90 against Middlesex two nights ago.

If England were to have any chance of triumphing in the US dollars 20million match, they required early wickets.

But two spurned run-out chances in the opening overs involving Patel and Pietersen were coupled with two television consultations going against Harmison.

First a leg-before appeal against Gayle in the first over was annulled after the ball was shown to be pitching outside leg-stump, then Fletcher survived after inconclusive replays of a waft that looped through to wicketkeeper Matt Prior.

Failure to separate the first-wicket pair provided the licence the home team needed to provide the excitement associated with the 20-over format.

Gayle revelled in the limelight, depositing off-spinner Graeme Swann for another maximum on his way to a 33-ball fifty.

If Fletcher's early blitz of fours provided the impetus, Gayle took on the baton to the finish, which came when he blasted Flintoff for his fifth six in only the 13th over.

While the Superstars emphasised the value of executing classical cricket strokes with extreme power, England suffered for their improvisation.

Openers Ian Bell and Prior both paid the price for moving around in their crease in the same Jerome Taylor over, the fourth of the innings.

Bell attempted to give himself room and only succeeded in jabbing a yorker into leg-stump while Prior walked across his stumps two deliveries later and was spectacularly bowled.

Such was the dominance of the Superstars' attack in the powerplay period, in fact, that only two boundaries were struck, both by Prior, a flowing extra-cover drive off Taylor and a pull over mid-on off Daren Powell.

With uneven bounce a feature of this week, cross-batted shots were potentially perilous as Owais Shah discovered.

In an attempt to haul the ball from outside off-stump, Shah skied a steepler to deepish square-leg where Dave Mohammed judged the catch perfectly despite team-mate Kieron Pollard almost causing a nasty collision.

England were deep in trouble when star man Pietersen missed an attempted sweep shot off medium-pacer Darren Sammy, which exposed and knocked over his leg-stump.

It triggered one of a number of extravagant celebrations from the West Indian players - Sammy lying on his back with arms aloft in an outpouring of emotion.

When Andrew Flintoff and Paul Collingwood perished in consecutive overs, England were 54 for six and struggling to set a three-figure target.

Flintoff, who had crashed Pollard for a straight four the previous delivery, swished too soon at a slower ball and was bowled. Then Collingwood swung giant left-arm spinner Sulieman Benn low to Ramnaresh Sarwan at deep midwicket.

Within two overs, England had also lost Luke Wright and Swann, who was preferred to fast bowler James Anderson when the XI was named yesterday morning.

Wright's attempt to hit the match's first six resulted in a failure to clear Sammy at long-on, who held a comfortable catch above his head off Pollard.

Swann was subsequently outfoxed by Benn, bowled by a full toss.

The only respite for England against a Superstars side, who had been drilled during a six-week training camp, came when Samit Patel was given a life on five by Mohammed at deep midwicket off Pollard.

That came with Pietersen's men on 66 for eight and Patel, who scampered for two, followed up by pulling the next ball for four.

He edged another one during a 28-run stand with Stuart Broad, which came to its conclusion in the penultimate over when he was run out after attempting to steal a second run from Gayle's misfield.

Benn wrapped the innings up when he castled last man Harmison at the death.

Billa @ IFFI

Ajith starrer 'Billa' along with 'Kanchivaram', 'Kalloori' and 'Mudhal Mudhal Mudhal Varai' ('M3V') have been selected to be screened in the film festival.

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has announced the Indian panorama films (feature and non-feature films) to be screened at the thirty-ninth International Film Festival of India 2008 (IFFI) in November-December in Goa.

Ajith-starrer 'Billa' (directed by Vishnuvardhan) has gained entry in the feature film section. Priyadarshan’s 'Kanchivaram', which stars Prakashraj and Shreya Reddy, will be screened in the non-feature film section and will also compete in the film festival for the best film award. It is heartening to see Balaji Sakthivel’s 'Kalloori' which made Tamannaah a household name, in this festival. It is a big honour for director Krishnan Seshadri Gomatam as his first film, 'M3V', managed to grab the attention of the elite jury of IFFI.

IFFI is a very prestigious international film festival that takes place in Goa in November-December every year. It is organized by Indian Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Films from all over the world are screened at this festival. This is a competitive event and the best film will be awarded a cash prize, a trophy (Golden Peacock) and a citation.

IFFI also includes a special Indian Panorama section for Indian films which carries great prestige and is divided into two sections – feature and non-feature. Any Indian filmmaker can send his or her entry provided it satisfies the regulations of IFFI. The IFFI jury selects some entries (usually 25 feature and 25 non-feature films) for the Indian Panorama section. This is not a competitive section; all the selected films will be promoted at various international film festivals in India and abroad. They will also be a part of cultural exchange programmes organized by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

If the jury deems it appropriate to permit a film entry into the competitive section, it can always do so. This year, Priyadarshan’s 'Kanchivaram' has been selected by the 7-member jury headed by K. Sastry to compete in IFFI’s competitive section. It might not be surprising if it wins the Golden Peacock as it came close to winning awards at several film festivals worldwide, including the Toronto Film Festival.

The history of Devaluation of Rupee

Few days back I predicted that soon one dollar would become equal to 50 rupees. Just after one week, my prediction became correct. Now one US dollar is around 50 rupees. Now I think it is right time to tell you the history of Indian currency, rupee. The origin of the word “rupee” is found in the Sanskrit word rup or rupyah, which means “wrought silver,” originally “something provided with an image, a coin,” from rupah “shape, likeness, image.” Before independence, India was a land of hundreds of princely states. They used to run their own coins and currency notes.

After Independence in 1947, the Indian government brought out the new design Re. 1 note in 1949. The Lion Capital of Asoka was used for the design of that note.

Devaluation of Rupee started in 1960s due to war with China and Pakistan, large government budget deficits and drought there was problem of inflation in India. There was sharp rise in prices. So Indian Government was forced to start some liberal policies to stabilize the economy which finally resulted into huge devaluation of Rupee.

During mid eighties, India started having balance of payments problems and by the end of 1990, India was in serious economic trouble. Our foreign exchange reserves had dried up to the point that India could barely finance three weeks’ worth of imports. Once again, the government decided to devaluate the Rupee. By the start of 21st century, the Rupee stopped declining and stabilized at 45. However in mid-2007, the rupee started gaining strength one dollar came below 40 Rupees. Now again due to recent economic crisis in world economy, one dollar has started touching the historical figure of 50 Rupees.

Which is most viewed YouTube video in India?

Through this post I am sharing the most viewed YouTube video in India. This video is on Tsunami. A tsunami is a series of waves created when a body of water, such as an ocean, is rapidly displaced. The effects of a tsunami can be devastating due to the immense volumes of water and energy involved. Check out the effect of tsunami in this video.

How to get free laptop in India?

I am not joking. It is now possible to get a free laptop in India. Just you need to get an internet connection. Reliance Communication has launched a nice plan for internet users. Just subscribe to their net connection for Rs 1500 every month only and get a free laptop. Moreover, there will not be any hidden cost. You will have to pay this amount only for two years and the laptop will be yours. For giving free laptop to its internet users, Reliance Communications has done strategic agreement with five leading laptop manufacturers of India - HCL, Intel, Acer, Asus and Lenovo. According to company’s spokesperson more details regarding availability, schemes and pricing are expected to be released shortly.

The growth of Internet services in India is one of the key visions of Reliance Communications. The next phase of growth of Internet penetration in the country is linked to the growth in PC and Laptop penetration offering an opportunity to empower all Indians by making the overall cost of Internet access more affordable,” said Mahesh Prasad, President - Reliance Communications.

Reliance NetConnect is India’s one of the leading wireless internet service providers,with over One Million customers, available across 20,000 towns and 4.5 lakh Indian villages. I am very happy with this new plan of Reliance, this will definitely boost the growth of internet users in India.

Cricketing Snaps Around

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