What happened to Orkut?

Once upon a time Orkut was number one social networking website on the internet. Now things have changed for orkut, its honeymoon is over. The latest alexa rank of orkut.com is 66. Orkut was designed to help users meet new friends and maintain existing relationships on internet. Early this year, this was the most visited website in Brazil and second most visited website in India. Now it is at 4th rank in India. A large percentage of users in India are high school and college students. Now this site is unable to attract new breed of students i.e the age group of 18-24.

The main reason behind the recent downfall is evolution of Facebook. Today, Facebook is even ahead of MySpace.com. In India, the new generation is more declined towards Facebook whereas our generation who were early users of Orkut, have stopped using Orkut. You will be shocked to see the downfall of Orkut. Even, Google is completely clueless on this point. Check out the latest Alexa graph of Orkut.

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