10 things that you should know about Chrome

Its Chrome everywhere on internet. All the news websites, blogs are talking about Chrome browser. As already updated, Chrome is a new internet browser developed by Google. It is an open source, free to use and distribute. Google has claimed that Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. One box for everything, Thumbnails of your top sites, Shortcuts for your apps are the three features that make this browser unique. Today I am sharing ten things that you should know about Chrome browser.

* The name “Chrome” is derived from the graphical user interface frame, or “chrome”, of web browsers. The open source project behind Google Chrome is known as Chromium.
* Google Chrome is built from open source components like WebKit and V8.
* Google Chrome also uses a brand new JavaScript engine (V8), which is much faster than existing JavaScript interpreters. This means you can create more complex and more intensive AJAX applications with fewer speed and processing constraints.
* Google has also explained that why they have build a new browser?
* Google has published a Comic book which features all the new qualities of Chrome browser.
* The main user interface includes back, forward, refresh, bookmark, go and cancel options. The options are similar to Safari, while the settings location is similar to Internet Explorer 7/8. The minimize, maximize and close window buttons are based on Windows Vista.
* Aviv Raff announced a flaw in Google Chrome that can “trick users into launching executables direct from the new browser.” The flaw involves bugs in WebKit and Java, the latter bug having been discussed at the 2008 Black Hat conference.
* Microsoft said Chrome will not create any problem for IE 8 as most of the features in IE 8 are better than that in Chrome.
* Mozilla said that Chrome’s introduction into the web browser market comes as “no real surprise” and that “Chrome is not aimed at competing with Firefox” and furthermore should not affect Google’s financing of Firefox.
* There is a process management utility called the Task Manager in Chrome which allows the internet user to “see what sites are using the most memory, downloading the most bytes and causing extra CPU usage”.

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