Highlights of new US-India Nuclear deal

The highly awaited deal is done. It is a big deal for both the nations. After this deal, India has achieved an unique status as the only nuclear weapons power to be allowed global nuclear commerce without signing NPT or CTBT. It is certainly a great achievement for Manmohan Singh’s UPA Government. This deal has once again proved the importance of India as an emerging power with a stable democratic system on international front. It’s an unprecedented deal for India. I know you want to know more about the deal. Let’s point out highlights of this historical deal.

* As already mentioned, India has achieved unique status. It has ended 34 years of nuclear isolation for India after Pokhran tests of 1974. Moreover, India has achieved this without signing NPT or CTBT.
* Now India can carry out nuclear trade, gets options for nuclear power and access to sensitive hi-tech that will boost up Indian industries like IT, space, power, defense and manufacturing.
* India has come closer to developed nations like US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, Japan, Australia.
* India would be eligible to buy U.S. dual-use nuclear technology, including materials and equipment that could be used to enrich uranium or reprocess plutonium, potentially creating the material for nuclear bombs. It would also receive imported fuel for its nuclear reactors.
* The deal does not require India to cap or limit its fissile material production.
* With the help of this deal, India can improve its productivity at nuclear plants as now fuel flows will be better. India can now meet its nuclear energy target by 2020.

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