I saw something wierd around the moon tonight??? Not UFO or anything like that!? But Lunar Halo..!!

I live in Chennai, India and I can still see it now! It's like a ring of light around the moon. Also its like there is less cloud around the moon than there is on the outside of the circle! When i came across some sites i found that it is named to be Moon Halo.

What is a Halo?

Moon halo displays range from the familiar circle around the moon to rare and prized events when the whole sky is webbed by intricate arcs.

Tiny ice crystals in the atmosphere create halos by refracting and reflecting light.

Halos bestow a delicate beauty to the skies and tell us about the crystals inhabiting the clouds.

A Ring Around The Moon

The ring around the Moon is caused by the refraction of Moonlight (which of course is reflected sunlight) from ice crystals in the upper atmosphere. The shape of the ice crystals results in a focusing of the light into a ring. Since the ice crystals typically have the same shape, namely a hexagonal shape, the Moon ring is almost always the same size.

Less typical are the halos that may be produced by different angles in the crystals. They can create halos with an angle of 46 degrees.

Cricketing Snaps Around

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