The Dark Knight :: A sequel to Batman Begins

The film has broken multiple box office records, and achieved an overall approval rating of 94% on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. The run time of the movie is 2hrs 32 minutes. Critics feel that this is one of the finest movies made till date, and should be considered for Best Picture Awards in the times to come. Even IMBD, which is very critical; of most movies has given a rating of 9.4 /10. The film introduces a gorgeous looking bike “The Batpod”. With 20-inch front and rear tires, it is armed with grappling hooks, cannons, and machine guns. The engines are located in the hubs of the wheels. Amazingly The Batpod is steered by shoulders instead of hands!

batman.jpgRecord numbers of advance tickets have been sold for The Dark Knight. The Dark Knight which cost $7.5 million to film has been a huge hit all across the globe. The film was screen on over 4,366 theaters in North America, breaking Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End’s record of the largest opening in USA. The movies has generated revenue of $313,781,677 and counting. I believe this is one of the best Comic Heroes movies created till date. I feel the movie gives the viewer everything they expect, yet in ways provide pivotal points catching the viewer off-guard. The sequences involving the Joker couldn’t have been better planned and they leave the viewers in suspense. In fact I can say that though the batman is the main cast. The Joker has actually overshadowed him by his performance. A must watch movie for everyone. An absolute value for money

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