Egyptian woman gives birth to septuplets

Four boys, three girls delivered by Caesarian section; mom OK

An Egyptian woman gave birth to septuplets early Saturday in the coastal city of Alexandria, a hospital director said.

Ghazala Khamis, 27, was in good condition at the hospital after having a blood transfusion during her Caesarean section due to bleeding, said Emad Darwish, director of the El-Shatbi Hospital where she gave birth.

The newborns, four boys and three girls, weigh between 3.2 pounds and 6.17 pounds and are in stable condition, Darwish said. They have been placed in incubators in four different hospitals that have special premature baby units, he said.

"This is a very rare pregnancy — something I have never witnessed over my past 33 years in this profession," Darwish said.

Darwish decided to carry out the Caesarean section at the end of Khamis' eighth month of pregnancy due to the pressure on her kidneys.

Khamis, the wife of a farmer in the northern Egyptian province of Beheira, already has three daughters. She was admitted to the hospital two months ago.

  1. Comment by female on August 17, 2008 at 9:01 PM  

    It's sad that couples cannot be happy with daughters. Why do they feel inadequate until they have a son? I was raised by parents with this same attitude here in the USA. Too bad they didn't have 7 girls.

  2. Comment by Noa on August 17, 2008 at 11:15 PM  

    As a maternity nurse, I must tell you that the photos are clearly fake and so are the weights of the babies. Those babies are not septuplets, nor were any of them born at the end of the 8th month from that picture. Moreover, the weights they give in the story are not at all indicative of septuplets born at even 35 weeks gestation. Whole story is a fraud.

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